
Enterprise Rent-A-Car terms of use: What you need to know


Enterprise Rent-A-Car Updated on September 8, 2022
Massy Motors Rentals S.A.S. (“Enterprise” or “We”) provides this website (“site”/”Website”) for your use, subject to these Terms of Use and all applicable laws and regulations in Colombia. Please read the following Terms of Use carefully. By accessing or using this website, you fully and unconditionally agree and accept the terms of use. If you do not agree with them, please do not visit or use this website. Enterprise reserves the rights to revise these Terms of Use at any time, so please review them periodically. Your use of this Website after we make any changes to the Terms of Use constitutes your acceptance of those changes. Updates will be evidenced by the date change at the top of this page. All changes will be effective immediately upon posting and will apply to use of this website from that time forward.
Enterprise will provide this website solely for the purpose of assisting you in reviewing car rental options and submitting a reservation request. This website does not assure you that you will have a guaranteed reservation, that we will accept your reservation request or that we will not be able to cancel said reservation. The contracts between Enterprise and the users of this website are made only when appearing at one of our physical branches of Enterprise and its affiliates or with their respective franchisees and therefore are not made on this website. All reservations and transactions made through this website are subject to the acceptance and discretion of Enterprise. Without limitation, this means that Enterprise may refuse to accept or cancel any reservation and any transaction, whether or not the reservation or transaction has been previously confirmed, for any reason in our discretion unless advance payment has been made, without no liability to you or any third party involved. By way of example and without limitation, we may refuse to accept or cancel a reservation due to lack of inventory or inventory restrictions or factory calls to repair vehicles under warranty. You can cancel a reservation at any time regardless of whether your reservation has already been confirmed or not and for no apparent reason. The cancellation does not have any type of penalty for you, unless you have chosen the option to pay in advance (if applicable).
Enterprise maintains this website for your personal non-commercial use. Your use of this website for any other purpose is only permitted with the express written permission of Enterprise. Without limiting the foregoing, you may not:(1) use this site for commercial purposes, including distributing, transmitting or publishing the site or any content on it; (2) interfere with any other person or entity’s use of this website; (3) impair the operation of the website or interfere or interrupt the servers or networks to which it is connected; (4) interfere with Enterprise’s intellectual property rights; (5) frame or include a second mark on this website or with any of its content; (6) deep link to any part of this website; or (7) use this website for illegal purposes. We reserve the right in our sole discretion to restrict your use of this website, without prior notice or for any apparent reason; this will not entail any liability to you or any third party involved. In such an event, we may inform the company that provides your internet service of your activities and take legal action as may be appropriate.
We reserve the right, at our discretion, to modify, suspend or discontinue any part of this website, at any time, without notice or liability to you or any third party. We also reserve the right, at our discretion, to impose limits on certain features and services.
Enterprise takes your privacy very seriously. Any information sent or collected through this website is subject to our privacy policy, in the terms that are established in the Policy for the treatment of personal data / Privacy that can be found on this same web page.
This site may include links to third party websites. Enterprise does not control and is not responsible for the content or privacy policies of any linked websites and the inclusion of any link to external sites does not imply that we endorse or endorse them.
By using this site, you consent to receive electronic communications and notifications from Enterprise regarding your reservation request and any transactions that have been made through this website. You agree that any notice, agreement, disclosure or any communication that is sent to you electronically will comply with the legal requirements regarding communications, including those communications that are made in writing.
The content, structure and design of this website, as well as the programming code (collectively the “Content”) is the property of Enterprise. All proprietary rights (i.e. trademarks and copyrights) are owned by Vanquard Trademark Holdings USA, LLC (“Vanguard”), which is an affiliate of Enterprise, and is protected by law. All rights reserved. You may print one copy of the content on your computer solely for your personal, non-commercial home use, provided you do not remove any trademarks or alter the copyright and associated notices protecting the content. of this website. Any use of this content is strictly prohibited, unless you have been previously authorized in writing. The Site may also contain content that is owned by third parties, including our advertisers. You can use the content of these third parties only if it has been expressly authorized by the owner. All requests for permission to reprint or use the content should be directed to the Intellectual Property Manager, Reprint Permissions Division at 600 Corporate Park Drive, St. Louis, Missouri 63105 or nicadmins@erac.com. Enterprise does not warrant that your use of materials displayed on or linked to this site will not infringe the intellectual property or copyright of us or third parties. ENTERPRISE, Enterprise Rent A Car, and “Drive Happy” are included in the family of trademarks and service marks owned by Vanguard and its affiliates (this is not an all-inclusive list of all Vanguard trademarks and copyrights). Trademarks, logos, and copyrights designated with the “®” symbol are registered with the United States Patent Office and with other patent office numbers around the world Other trademarks and copyrights owned Vanguard and its affiliates may be designated by the “SM” or “TM” symbol. Our trademarks or service slogans may not be used in connection with any product or service without our express written permission. All trademarks and Trade names not owned by Vanguard that appear on our website are the property of their respective owners, who may or may not be affiliated with, connected to, or endorsed by Enterpr ise. Vanguard has a number of pending patent applications in the United States and other countries covering various aspects of this website and users are cautioned that they are restricted from copying, adopting, using or borrowing the techniques, menu operations, or other functionalities or characteristics of this website and that in case of carrying out any of these actions, it may result in a penalty for violations of the mentioned patents.
If you believe that materials published on this website violate your intellectual property rights, please contact Enterprise’s intellectual property officer at the following address: Intellectual Property Manager, Intellectual Property Questions, 600 Corporate Park Drive, St. Louis, Missouri 63105 or nicadmin@erac.com. Please include (1) an authorized digital or physical signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the intellectual property or any other interested party in such intellectual property; (2) a description of the copyrighted work or other protected material that you have claimed is infringing; (3) a description of where the material is located on the website; (4) your address, telephone number, and email address; (5) a statement that you have a good faith belief that such use of the material is not authorized by the trademark or copyright of the owner, its agent, or the law; and (6) your statement, under penalty of perjury, that the information provided by your notice is accurate and that you are the copyright or trademark owner or the person authorized by the owner to act on the owner’s behalf. owner.
You agree that Enterprise is free to use your comments, information, or ideas contained in any communication you send to us, without compensation, acknowledgment, or payment to you, for any purpose related thereto, including but not limited to to the development, manufacture or marketing of products or services that are related to the modification, or improvement of this website and other products or services.
We take reasonable efforts to maintain the accuracy and reliability of this site, however, we do not guarantee that this website will always be error-free or that we will receive a reservation that we are unable to cancel. We do not assume any responsibility or liability for errors or omissions in this website or for problems in its operation. Your access to and use of this website is at your own risk and responsibility. Without limiting the foregoing, THIS SITE, ITS CONTENT AND ITS FUNCTIONALITY ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” AND “AS AVAILABLE”, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR COMMERCIALIZATION, OR FIT FOR A PARTICULAR USE, TITLE OR INFRINGEMENT. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of some warranties, therefore, the foregoing may not necessarily apply to you.
IN NO EVENT SHALL ENTERPRISE OR RELATED COMPANIES AND ANY OF THEIR DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES OR AGENTS BE LIABLE IN ANY INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL MANNER FOR PUNITIVE DAMAGES THAT MAY ARISE IN CONNECTION WITH YOUR ACCESS, USE OR INABILITY TO USE THIS SITE. WEBSITE, OR FOR ANY INFORMATION PROVIDED BY THIS WEBSITE OR ANY TRANSACTION ENTERED ON THE WEBSITE. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of some damages, therefore, the above may not apply to you. If any authority holds that some sections of this document are inapplicable, then the liability will only be extended to the extent established by law.
You agree to hold Enterprise and any related company and each of their directors, officers, employees, or agents harmless from any third party claims or any unconditional action as well as reasonable costs of defending such claims. legal and others that may arise directly or indirectly in whole or in part from your violation of any copyright, misuse of trademarks or the violation of any right of a person involved.
These Terms of Use are governed by and restricted in accordance with the laws of the State of Missouri, United States of America without regard to conflicts of laws principles.
Enterprise shall not be responsible or liable to you or deemed to have failed or breached any obligation or diminished its performance hereunder when any failure or delay in performance of its obligations is due to natural disasters, bad weather conditions, riots, labor disputes, acts of public protest, rebellions, riots, invasion, disease or epidemic, hostilities, war, terrorist acts or threats, acts of God, floods, fire, sabotage or fluctuations or unavailability of electricity, heating or light , acts of state authorities (including factory recalls, embargoes, or travel restrictions), loss or destruction of property, inventory or equipment, or any other circumstances within the reasonable control of Enterprise.
If any provision of these Terms of Use is held invalid or unenforceable, it must be provisioned and construed in a manner consistent with applicable law and any additional provision must be enforced. Headings are for reference purposes only and in no way define, limit, restrict, construe or describe the scope of such section. Our failure to enforce any provision in these terms and conditions of use does not constitute a waiver of any provision set forth herein. These terms of use set forth the entire agreement between you and Enterprise in connection with the use of this website.
If you have any questions about these terms of use, please contact: customer.services@Enterprise.co Sign for proof of the above, ____________________________ Philip Gomez C. General Manager MASSY MOTORS RENTALS S.A.S